Chapter 39: Troublesome Sister Lin

“Sister Lin, you…” 

Before I could finish saying “came,” I heard a “slap.” Sister Lin gave me a hard slap and shouted, “Perv*ert!” Then she slammed the bathroom door shut.

Damn! I was just taking a shower. Who did I offend? Was that really necessary? I was the one who was seen naked!

Alright, it was my fault. I should have locked the door. But living alone for so long, I didn’t think it mattered. Heaven is truly blind!

“Ah!” As I was grumbling, I heard Sister Lin scream from outside.

What’s going on? Even though I knew Sister Lin was prone to overreacting, her scream sounded serious.

Not bothering to rinse off all the soap, I wrapped a towel around my waist and rushed out. “Sister Lin, what’s wrong?”

As I spoke, I looked up and was stunned. This scene looked like something out of a foreign drama.

Mei’er had Sister Lin pinned on the sofa in a very seductive pose—kneeling on the sofa with her butt0cks raised. If she had a chest, it would have made my nose bleed!

Before I could say anything, Mei’er, with a serious expression, looked at me. “Xia Tian, the person who hurt you last time is back!”

“Mei’er, let go! She’s my sister!” I couldn’t believe Mei’er still remembered the time Sister Lin used a san!tary pad to stop my bleeding.

Mei’er blinked her charming eyes, hesitated, and reluctantly released her grip.

“Why is your girlfriend like this?” Sister Lin rubbed her arm and complained to me.

Seeing Sister Lin getting bullied by Mei’er made me secretly delighted. I joked, “Well, you saw her boyfriend’s body. If she didn’t do something, it would be embarrassing.”

Hearing this, Sister Lin blushed and pouted. “I didn’t do it on purpose…”

Seeing that Sister Lin had no intention of apologizing, I didn’t push it.

With a smile, I said to Sister Lin and Mei’er, “Let’s all calm down. You two can talk and clear up the misunderstanding. I still need to finish my shower.” With that, I turned and left the scene.

After finishing my shower, I felt much better. The only thing I regretted was the ruined clothes, which, although cheap, still cost me some money.

I changed into a new set of clothes—also cheap—a white T-shirt, dark blue jeans, and my trusty flip-flops. Then I headed to the living room.

I had thought that the innocent Mei’er and the somewhat neurotic Sister Lin would never get along, especially since Mei’er still resented Sister Lin for helping me. But to my surprise, they were chatting harmoniously, even laughing occasionally.

I grabbed three bottles of C0ke from the fridge, opened one for myself, and placed the other two on the table for them. Then I plopped down on the sofa.

Although my body had been strengthened by foundation building and the pseudo-spiritual stone, I still didn’t see the need to waste unnecessary energy.

Initially, I wouldn’t have bought these drinks, which cost two or three yuan each. I would’ve just drunk tap water. But after Mei’er fell in love with C0ke, I had to stock up, even though it pained me. However, thinking about the fifty thousand in my bank account made me feel a bit more secure.

“Sister Lin, did you need something?” I asked after putting down my half-empty C0ke.

Sister Lin looked at me. “I just wanted to see if you were still alive.”

If I had been drinking C0ke, I would’ve sprayed it all over her head. What did she mean by “still alive”? I risked my life to save her, and this is how she repays me? Shouldn’t she be offering herself to me by now?

I rolled my eyes and said nothing. I knew explaining too much to Sister Lin was pointless, so I kept quiet. Who knew what kind of earth-shattering response I might get?

Sister Lin moved from the opposite sofa to sit next to me, leaned in, and whispered in my ear, “You’ve been acting strange lately.”

I shifted away from her. The breath from her mouth was really uncomfortable.

“What do you mean?” I took a sip of my drink and asked her, puzzled.

“You’re usually mischievous but never to the point of fighting. And when did you become able to jump three meters high?” Sister Lin looked smug, as if she had figured something out. I had to admit, despite her silly nature, she had an annoyingly charming face.

“I…” Just as I was about to speak, Sister Lin continued, “And how did you recover so quickly from such serious injuries? There’s not a single scar on your body.”

“You know if I have scars on my body?” I retorted irritably.

Sister Lin, instead of being embarrassed, got excited. “Of course! I just saw it. Your back is smooth and scar-free!”

Damn! She really had no shame. Sometimes, I doubted whether she was a woman with a man’s soul.

“Well, I’m not a superhero. The quick healing is thanks to your ‘giant band-aid.’ It stopped the bleeding fast!” I joked, knowing Sister Lin’s carefree nature wouldn’t dig too deep.

Hearing this, Sister Lin blushed and punched me lightly on the chest. “Stop it!”

“Sister, can you be gentler next time?” I pretended to be in pain.

Sister Lin, seeing through my act, said, “Alright, got it!” and gave me another punch.

“Your girlfriend is quite nice!” Sister Lin teased, looking at Mei’er. “She’s so innocent. I wonder what she sees in you.”

I got a bit angry and pointed downwards. “This, of course!”

“Haha, still a v!rgin and trying to act tough. Don’t think I don’t know you’re still a little v!rgin!” Sister Lin teased, clearly enjoying herself.

I decided to play along. “It’s my first time, so be gentle!”

Sister Lin blushed, stood up, and checked her phone. “It’s getting late. I just came to see if you’re okay. Since you are, I’ll be leaving.” She waved at me as she spoke.

I lazily raised my hand. “Safe travels!”

“I know the way. No need to see me off,” Sister Lin said with a wicked smile, making me feel uneasy. True enough, she bent down and whispered in my ear, “Your girlfriend isn’t wearing a bra.” Then she left, laughing like a character in a drama.

I was stunned. Mei’er looked at me, puzzled. “What did Sister Lin just say to you?”

Damn! How was I supposed to answer that?

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