Chapter 40: The Storage Ring

“Hahaha, it’s nothing. Just asking if I’ve eaten,” I laughed, trying to brush Mei’er off casually.

“Oh…” Mei’er responded, seemingly indifferent. Suddenly remembering something, she picked up the wooden ring on the table and handed it to me. “Xia Tian, did you notice anything special about this ring?”

I took it, pretending to examine it briefly. “It’s just a wooden ring. What’s so special about it?” I hadn’t paid much attention to this ring-like object before.

“Look closely!” Mei’er said seriously.

Could this be some sort of treasure? If it were truly valuable, why would the antique shop owner give it to me for free? But Mei’er’s serious expression suggested otherwise.

I raised the wooden ring again, examining it closely. This time, I noticed something peculiar. After devouring the primordial spirit of the Blood Fiend Ancestor, my vision had improved significantly, allowing me to see the fine details on the ring.

To my surprise, the patterns on the ring resembled characters, arranged naturally. If not examined closely, they would go unnoticed. The frustrating part was that although the patterns looked like writing, I couldn’t recognize any of it.

Besides, the wooden ring was extremely hard. Even using my full strength, I couldn’t deform it. My strength now surpassed that of an ordinary person by several times. I could easily leave a mark on a piece of iron, yet this wooden ring remained unaffected.

“It is somewhat different from ordinary wooden objects,” I remarked, placing the ring back on the table.

Despite noticing its unique features, I still had no idea what this ring was. Judging by Mei’er’s expression, it must be related to cultivators, as ordinary items wouldn’t catch her attention.

“Xia Tian, I suspect this might be a Storage Ring crafted by ancient cultivators!” Mei’er’s words were startling. Having read so many novels, I knew what a Storage Ring was—essentially a storage ring from fantasy novels. It seemed that fiction wasn’t entirely baseless.

Looking at Mei’er in astonishment, I asked incredulously, “Does such a thing really exist in this world?” As soon as I said it, I realized how foolish I sounded. Mei’er, a fox demon, existed, so why wouldn’t other extraordinary things?

“We can’t be certain yet. My current power level isn’t sufficient to break the restriction on this high-level artifact,” Mei’er said helplessly.

“No problem! I have a way!” I said confidently. Unlocking the restriction and making the Storage Ring recognize its master was simple. I picked up the fruit knife from the table.

Seeing this, Mei’er frowned. “Mundane weapons can’t harm such a high-end artifact.”

I gave Mei’er a reassuring look, then, gritting my teeth, I closed my eyes and brought the knife down.

Darn! It didn’t hurt! Opening my eyes, I realized I had missed.

Ignoring Mei’er’s puzzled look, I tried again. This time, I accurately made a small cut on my finger and squeezed out a drop of blood onto the wooden ring.

“Xia Tian, what are you doing? Why hurt yourself?” Mei’er looked at me with a pained expression.

Heck! This isn’t self-harm! I retorted, “This is called blood recognition. It’s how it’s done in the novels!”

However, Mei’er seemed not to understand what I was talking about. The worst part was that the wooden ring showed no reaction. Where were the promised dazzling lights and spiritual connection?

After waiting for a while with no response, it seemed my blood was wasted. Who came up with this blood recognition method? It’s a scam! That drop of blood might take many buns to replenish! And a bun costs fifty cents! Fifty cents!

Seeing my frustrated look, Mei’er chuckled, covering her mouth. Embarrassed, I laughed awkwardly, “Mistake, mistake!”

Thinking myself a modern-day Pan Ke’er, how could I fall for such superstitious nonsense? Ah, one moment of folly ruins a lifetime of wisdom.

“The only way to forcefully open the Storage Ring is to use one-tenth of the caster’s spiritual power to erase the restriction,” Mei’er said with a hint of schadenfreude. “Where did you learn this blood recognition method?”

“My current spiritual power should be enough to break the restriction, right?” I was full of confidence, having refined the primordial spirit of the Blood Fiend Ancestor, which had greatly enhanced my spiritual power.

Mei’er looked at me, somewhat helplessly. “Your spiritual power is still insufficient…”

“No way! I refined the primordial spirit of the Blood Fiend Ancestor!” I couldn’t believe it, suspecting that Mei’er was lying to me, though I knew she wouldn’t.

Mei’er sighed. “Although you’ve refined the Blood Fiend Ancestor’s primordial spirit, you haven’t fully absorbed and integrated it. More importantly, your sudden increase in spiritual power is unfamiliar to you, making it uncontrollable. Recklessly attempting to break the Storage Ring’s restriction could lead to backlash.”

“What would happen if I faced backlash?” Honestly, I wasn’t ready to give up. If the consequences weren’t severe, I might still try.

“Backlash could cause spiritual disorder, in other words…” Mei’er paused before continuing, “turning you into a lunatic.”

Heck! I, Xia Tian, admired by all, couldn’t risk becoming a lunatic. The Storage Ring would have to wait.

“Forget it,” I said, showing a bitter expression, reluctantly giving up. I wrapped the ring, suspected to be a Storage Ring, in tissue and placed it in the drawer under the table.

“Xia Tian, I’m hungry…” Mei’er suddenly rubbed her belly, looking at me pitifully.

Mei’er was a celestial-level beauty, and her current look was heart-wrenching.

Gently stroking Mei’er’s hair, I asked softly, “What do you want to eat?”

“Chicken…” Mei’er shyly circled her fingers in front of her chest.

“No problem, I’ll get it for you right away.” Hearing my response, Mei’er’s face lit up with excitement, like a child. However, I was puzzled. Mei’er no longer needed to eat, so why was she often hungry lately?

Since Mei’er had unlocked two of her tails’ seals, she could stay out of sight of demon hunters for a while, so I left her at home. After all, letting her fly around with me in broad daylight would attract the secret departments.

I set up the globally popular “Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf” on the computer for her and left.

Of course, she kept asking questions. Although she had used mind-reading to gather a lot of modern information, she was still curious and watched with great interest.

Since it was daytime, the roast chicken shop was open, so I didn’t go to the supermarket. I went straight to the nearby famous roast chicken shop and bought a roast chicken. Worried that Mei’er was starving, I ran all the way home.

“Hmm… Ah… Ahhh…” As soon as I opened the door, seductive sounds came from my bedroom. I was about to enjoy the show when I suddenly remembered… Heck! Mei’er was in my room!

I rushed to the bedroom, only to see on the computer screen two na*ked bod!es entwined, and Mei’er blushing, looking utterly embarrassed.

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