Chapter 42: Returning to School

“Why, it’s the dean! Haven’t you expelled me already? What’s the matter now?” Judging by his deferential tone, it seemed Qin Shousheng had resolved the issue in such a short time. I couldn’t help but marvel at his efficiency—clearly, I now had a powerful backer.

“Young Master Xia, please don’t hold a grudge against me. If only you had mentioned your connection with Director Li earlier! This was a major misunderstanding!” The man, whom I now referred to as Wang Tong rather than “Director,” sounded nothing like his authoritative self.

Listening to Wang Tong’s humble tone filled me with disdain. Initially, he had maintained a strict facade, but now, he was pleading, exposing a different side of himself. It reminded me of a line from St*phen Chow’s “A Ch!nese Odyssey”: “Look at that person, he looks like a dog.”

“Director Li? What Director Li? I don’t know any Director Li. Sir, please don’t attribute connections to me!” Though I knew Director Li was likely connected to Qin Shousheng, I feigned ignorance. In essence, I wanted to play with him a bit—I’ve never been a magnanimous person.

On the other end, Wang Tong sounded almost tearful: “Young Master Xia, please, I’m begging you! I’ve worked hard to reach this position; don’t ruin it for me!”

“Old Wang?” I said playfully.

Wang Tong seemed to realize something, and I heard two slaps, as if he had hit himself. “My mistake, my mistake. It’s Little Wang, Little Wang!”

His self-punishment surprised me. Truthfully, I only found him annoying, but this reaction suggested the situation had escalated more than I’d intended.

“Alright, alright. What do you need, Dean Wang?” I suspected he wanted me back at school, but it wasn’t something I would initiate.

Wang Tong heaved a sigh of relief. “I just wanted to know when Master Xia plans to return to school. I would like to welcome you properly.”

“I’m quite comfortable at home. Suddenly returning to school might be a bit unsettling,” I teased, reigniting my interest in toying with him.

“Please, don’t say that! My job depends entirely on your decision!” Wang Tong sounded panicked.

“Just a joke, Dean. Why take it so seriously?” I laughed, feeling triumphant—wasn’t this a classic example of a reversal?

“Haha, just a joke,” Wang Tong echoed, likely mopping his brow on the other end. After exchanging a few more pleasantries, I hung up.

I then dialed Qin Shousheng. After all, I owed him for not being expelled; I understood the importance of gratitude.

“Is it settled?” Qin Shousheng’s calm voice greeted me.

“Of course! With your intervention, how could it not be?” I replied, laughing.

“I only made a call, nothing more,” Qin Shousheng said modestly.

Showoff! That was blatant showing off. Just a call? Damn, that’s the pinnacle of subtle boasting. I had a lot to learn from him!

“Anyway, thank you, Uncle Qin!” The recent events had drawn me closer to Qin Shousheng, and I didn’t mind calling him “uncle.”

“You rascal, stay focused in school. I’m busy now, so I’ll hang up,” Qin Shousheng said with a laugh.

“Okay.” As soon as I responded, he hung up. So much for pleasantries.

I tidied up my appearance in the bathroom and headed to school.

Running to the bus stop, I saw the bus had just left. In my haste, I chased after it, shouting, “Driver, wait for me!”

In my rush, I forgot to pace myself and sprinted at full speed.

“Damn! Is that even human? Look at him run!”

“He’s faster than Liu Xiang!”

“With that speed and form, he must be a national athlete.”

“Racing a bus? This guy is something else. I need to film this—it’ll go viral!”

Their praises made me giddy. However, a child’s voice nearly made me stumble: “Mommy, look, it’s Ultraman!”

Darn it! I’m way cooler than a spandex-wearing, egg-shell-faced Ultraman.

Ignoring the onlookers, I kept running and finally caught up to the bus, only to realize it wouldn’t stop except for red lights.

Having started running, I decided to go all the way to school.

Despite the curious stares, I kept running. To my surprise, I didn’t break a sweat running the three or four kilometers to school.

Arriving at the locked school gate, I knocked on the guard’s room door.

After a while, the guard peeked out, “What is it?”

“I’m a student here,” I explained.

He handed me a notebook and pen through the window. “Sign in, and you can go in.”

So cumbersome! A closed campus really was a hassle.

After signing in, I handed the items back to the guard, who then opened the gate. Just as I stepped in, Wang Tong hurried over.

“You’re here, Xia Tian!” Wang Tong greeted me with a smile.

Wang Tong called me “Xia Tian,” likely to avoid losing face in front of the guard. I simply nodded and walked towards the teaching building. Wang Tong followed, looking a bit guilty. “I called you ‘Xia Tian’ to save face in front of the guard. I hope you don’t mind.”

“I understand,” I said nonchalantly.

Relieved, Wang Tong smiled and handed me an ice cream. “Must be hot after the run. Have an ice cream to cool down.”

I didn’t feel hot but decided to accept it—Häagen-Dazs was a brand-name treat.

I felt a bit ashamed for being so easily appeased with an ice cream.

Seeing Wang Tong had no intention of leaving, I made up an excuse and dismissed him before entering the classroom.

As soon as I sat down, Zhang Yu grabbed my neck. “You idiot, you know how to come back?” The nearby chubby guy also whacked me on the head with a book.

“Cough! You’re the idiot. Trying to strangle me?” I snapped, freeing myself from Zhang Yu.

“Did you resolve the expulsion?” Zhang Yu asked seriously.

Thinking it unnecessary to reveal the truth, I lied, “I apologized to the director and got back in.”

“No way! Since when was he so lenient? Could it be his time of the month?” The chubby guy joked.

“Got something serious to discuss,” Zhang Yu said, patting my shoulder.

Zhang Yu only got serious when it was really important.

“What is it?” I asked.

After a long pause, Zhang Yu finally spoke, “Zhou Feng has withdrawn from school.”

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